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Kyrenia, the northern entrance gate to Cyprus, situated in the centre of the coastline lying at the feet of the Pentadaktylos mountain range. The town's history goes back in time even beyond the Trojan war expedition era. The Arcadians are believed to have established Kyrenia which bears the same name with an ancient town in northern Peloponnese.
In modern days as recent as 1974, the Kyrenia coast served as the gate to Cyprus for the invaders who poured in the island from across the sea at the north where they felt squeezed and suppressed and were in desperate need to expand and control lands beyond the sea.

Philokypros is for Cyprus. A Greek language posting page is here. Readers can interfere and expand all thoughts as they feel (with respect to others). And to those interested to speak in English I would convey a warm Welcome onboard Sirs; Σpeak for Cyprus and its [postal] history.
Ο Φιλοκυπρος ομιλει την ελληνικην ΕΔΩ στη συγχρονη μας κερκόπορτα.
Οσοι πιστοι προσελθετε, η πορτα αυτη δεν επιτρεπεται να μεινει αφυλακτη.

w w w . p h i l o k y p r o s . n e t
. . . is all about Kypros. It is a study on Cyprus seen through the images of its stamps and postcards as well as its old gravures and photographs where its past — present — hopes are all delivered on bits of paper that have travelled and still travel across and around the world.
Philokypros.net is also more than a mere hobby. It is like pandora's box; full of goodies. Just unlock and discover.
Explore philokypros and play not only with stamps: a most unusual puzzle-like game . . .
Our aim is to revisit Cyprus incognito .
Fly to Cyprus . . . Know Cyprus
Our Wonderful small World in a photo
Caught in the middle of a dust storm (19 October 2002)
Satellite photo image courtesy NASA Visible Earth

Γη της λεμονιάς, της ελιάς Γη της αγκαλιάς, της χαράς Γη του πεύκου, του κυπαρισσιού των παλικαριών και της αγάπης |
Γη των κοριτσιών που γελούν Γη των αγοριών που μεθούν Γη του Μύρου του Χαιρετισμού Κύπρος της αγάπης και του ονείρου Χρυσοπράσινο φύλλο ριγμένο στο πέλαγο |
Γη του ξεραμένου λιβαδιού Γη της πικραμένης Παναγιάς Γη του λίβα, τ’ άδικου χαμού τ’ άγριου καιρού, των ηφαιστείων Χρυσοπράσινο φύλλο ριγμένο στο πέλαγο |
Μουσική-Ποίηση: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
Στίχοι-Ποίηση: Λεωνίδας Μαλένης
Κέλομαί σε Γογγύλα
Μουσική-Ποίηση: Μάνος Χατζιδάκις
Στίχοι-Ποίηση: Σαπφώ
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